Would you like a custom blog design but have no idea where to start?

Just follow my easy ordering process below

How the process will work

1: Look through our different packages available and choose the one that will fit your needs best.
2: Choose any extra add-ons you would like.
3: Fill out the questionairre and email it back to me.

Easy right?

Now it's time to choose a package

1 star package  $70 or R450
Wide post area
Font ( choose font here )
Dissapearing navigation bar
Matching borders
+ 5 stars for extra add-on's

2 star package $90 or R600
Wide post area
Font ( choose font here )
Matching borders
Dissapearing navigation bar
+ 10 stars for extra add-on's

Add On's

3 stars
Horizontal Menu Bar, or
Animated Header, or
Custom Button with "Grab Me" code

2 stars
Custom sidebar titles, or
Favicon, or
Social networking buttons, or
Custom blinkie ( no "Grab Me code ")

1 star
Post divider, or
Custom signature, or
Custom message in footer

Once you have decided on the package you are going for and which add on's you have chosen please fill out
the ordering questionnaire here

If you are looking for a Wedding Blog

We are launching a new wedding blog design package. This blog will contain all your important wedding information - venue, maps, gift registry etc...- in one easy site for your guests to view. It will also have an online RSVP which will go straight to your email box to make things easier. It can be customized to match your wedding color scheme. Have a look at a sample blog here

The cost is $80 or R600 

If you are wanting your own wedding blog please fill out this wedding blog questionnaire here